
General applications

Applications are now closed

Applications for the Game Changers scheme are always welcome for any project or technology which could support nuclear innovation. If you have an idea which you think might be of interest to Sellafield, NRS Dounreay or Magnox, we'd love to hear from you.

Non-intrusive characterisation of legacy waste drum contents

Closes on Tuesday, 21st of January

Sellafield Ltd is seeking methods to characterise legacy waste drums that contain Plutonium Contaminated Material (PCM) without opening or disturbing the drum contents.

In-situ real-time characterisation and measurement of materials for effective nuclear waste management

Applications are now closed

Sellafield Ltd is pursuing innovative solutions to accelerate the characterisation and measurement of materials through in-field testing capabilities.

Lift it, shift it: An alternative approach to asbestos removal

Applications are now closed

Sellafield Ltd requires a safe and cost-effective means to remove asbestos-containing materials from its site. This challenge is seeking solutions that provide encapsulation of these materials prior to their removal for decontamination and disposal.

Improvement of information management in Nuclear Safety Cases

Applications are now closed

Sellafield is a large, highly complex nuclear facility with a lot of structured data across its Nuclear Safety Cases, which require manual, resource-intensive processes to cascade changes. Sellafield Ltd is seeking technologies to improve the efficiency of managing its Nuclear Safety Cases and these processes.

Directional decontamination head deployment into large, congested, highly radioactive vessels

Applications are now closed

Sellafield Ltd is seeking innovative solutions that will deliver improvements over the current techniques used for deploying vessel cleaning heads into large, highly radioactive vessels with complex internal configurations.

National Nuclear Laboratory

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