Fixatives for containment of alpha contamination in gloveboxes

There are approximately 800 gloveboxes across the Sellafield site, made up of a variety of materials such as steel, plastics and elastomers, that contain radioactive material including alpha particles. Due to the advanced age of many of the gloveboxes, they may fail within the next few years, leading to a breach of containment.

Sellafield Ltd would like to explore options for effective, strong and durable fixatives that would provide containment of alpha contaminated material within gloveboxes selected for decommissioning, preventing the radioactive contamination from becoming airborne during preparation and transfer of the gloveboxes for processing.


Sellafield Ltd would like to identify a fixative that securely fixes airborne alpha particles in place, along with an application method that can be deployed through a 150mm diameter glove port. The fixative solution must be chemically compatible with the glovebox materials, stable under ambient conditions and be as long-lasting as possible. Further details can be found in the “Functional Requirements” section of the challenge statement.

Due to the risks of a breach of containment posed by ageing gloveboxes, a solution is desired as soon as practicable. As operations at the Analytical Services Laboratory at Sellafield, which contains many alpha contaminated gloveboxes, are being phased out, this further exacerbates the need for a fixative solution. Other methodologies have been trialled; however, Sellafield Ltd is looking to improve upon these.

The ideal scenario would be the capability to coat a glovebox sufficiently for it to be transported without an outer box or crate. Treatment that enables an empty glovebox to act as a container for waste would be an added benefit. Due to the complex states of gloveboxes across site, and the resulting requirements on fixative technology, Sellafield Ltd understands this will be a challenge.


Please download the challenge statement for full details of this opportunity.

You can watch a webinar and Q&A session with the challenge owners for more information and details of how to apply.

The deadline for applications for this challenge is 3pm on Thursday 15th August 2024.


Applications are reviewed against set criteria by a panel of challenge owners, prospective end‐users from our partner organisations, and Game Changers project staff. Brief summary feedback will be provided if your project is not awarded feasibility funding.

Application forms and posters will be assessed consistently and transparently using the following criteria:

  1. How well does the application align with the challenge aims?
  2. Is the proposed solution credible from the perspective of deployment?
  3. What potential does the proposed solution have to transform practice in your area?
  4. Do you feel the applicant is well placed to deliver a feasibility project?
  5. Would the solution proposed in the application benefit from feasibility funding?
  6. Does the application meet the scope of the challenge?
National Nuclear Laboratory

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